APP: successful conclusion of the 2023-2024 heating season

APP: successful conclusion of the 2023-2024 heating season

In accordance with the decree of the Almaty city administration, the heating season 2023-2024 in Almaty concluded on April 15.

The heating season overall went smoothly, as evidenced by the uninterrupted supply of heat and electricity to the city and the Almaty region's consumers. During this period, Almaty power plants generated 2.9 billion kWh of electricity and 4.6 million Gcal of heat, all contractual commitments to consumers were met", - highlighted Yerik Mashirov, Chairman of the Board of “APP” JSC.

Almaty Power Plants, APP is the primary energy source for Almaty city and Almaty region, providing approximately 76% of the heat for the centralized heating zone and 60% of electricity. The company comprises three CHP, the Western thermal complex, Kapshagay HPP, HPP cascade, Production and repair enterprise "EnergoRemont", and FRUC.

In April, in line with plans, “APP” JSC commences the maintenance campaign on the main and auxiliary equipment for energy sources.